Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 25/11/2020
TIME: 09:00



Disease, Place, Environmental sanitation and Indicator of Environmental Salubrity (ISA).

PAGES: 141
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia
SUBÁREA: Geografia Humana
SPECIALTY: Geografia da População

The Geography throughout its history as science had the concern to study the relations that occur in the geographic space between man and nature. This incessant search to understand the interferences that human beings practice in the environment, interfering in their quality of life, caused several studies to emerge and a new field of knowledge currently known as Geography of health. These relations and processes health/disease and man/environment resist a great influence of the urban growth that has been happening in the last decades in the Brazilian cities. Therefore, the analysis of the environmental health in the places that concentrate diseases is a type of study that aims to show the relationship society and nature in this environmental problem and also of human healthcare that happens on a local scale. In order to analyze the relationship of health and environmental sanitation in the areas of higher concentration of Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika diseases, in the territory of the Western Sanitary District (DSO) of Natal/RN, this dissertation proposes to be a study that Contribute to the territorial planning of the Environmental Health Surveillance belonging to the Municipal Health Secretariat and to other public institutions that operate in the municipality of Natal (SEMURB, CAERN and URBANA), which will be able to practice preventive actions and Mitigation of epirements and sanitation in the places of the health area that present the highest concentrations of cases of Diseases Related to Inadequate Environmental Sanitation (DRSAI) and a low level of environmental healthiness. THE Technical and methodological procedures of this research are divided into two phases: theoretical/conceptual and operational/empirical. In The first stage will be presented the main bibliographic surveys carried out until the qualification to produce the chapter of theoretical foundations, which has as main discussion the spatial elements for the understanding of diseases in Geography of Health: society, nature, territory and place. The Second Stage will display all the technical operational path necessary to achieve the objectives of the research, showing from the definition of spatial scales, temporal and creation of forms, to how the adaptations and elaborations of the Environmental Health Indicator in Areas with Concentration of Diseases (ISA/ACD) and Spatial Sampling (AEQ). With These methodological tools, this study will have a small statistical error, with regard to the data that will be obtained for analysis. Therefore, until the time of qualification, this dissertation will present two chapters completed and three chapters still in the elaboration phase. During the year 2019, the next ten steps will be held, which are listed in the final considerations of this work. Regarding the partial results of the research, it was possible to identify ten areas with a higher concentration of Chikungunya and Zika diseases (2,787 cases) between the years 2016 and 2017, where there are 418 streets, 15,780 residences and presents about 21.72% of Population (50,738 people) of the Western Health District that inhabit the ACD and are exposed to the vectors of Aedes Aegypt and to obtain infectious parasitic diseases.

Presidente - 1803535 - ADRIANO LIMA TROLEIS
Interna - 2321176 - JULIANA FELIPE FARIAS
Externo à Instituição - LUIS ALBERTO BASSO - UFRGS
Notícia cadastrada em: 13/11/2020 10:48
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