Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 26/06/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala G4 do Setor II

Representations of Efficiency in Social Fields: Public Federal Managers and Federal Auditors of Finances an Control


Efficiency. Neoliberalism. Evaluation of Public Politics.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia
SUBÁREA: Outras Sociologias Específicas

The proposal of this research is to debate aspects of differentiation on the capitalist periods Fordism e Neoliberalism, having as object of study the utilizations of the concept of efficiency. Besides that, the study delimits the concept of efficiency on the public administration, at the state, being that the target audience of this research are the Federal Auditors of Finances and Control – AFFC – and Managers of Federal organs at the state of do Rio Grande do Norte. Thus, the research was developed with basis on qualitative aspects on the analysis of capitalism, with the intention of characterizing capitalist dynamics as a social phenomenon. The objective is to identify symbolic aspects that guide the practical actuation of Auditors of Finances and Control and Federal Managers, about the utilization of the concept of efficiency. These symbolic aspects keep relation with the material reality and, therefore, with the context of the neoliberal face of capitalism. As such, the study identifies the concept of efficiency as a knowledge, whose production isn’t proceeded in a horizontal manner but hierarchical, chained to a material reality and of symbolic dispute. Within this perspective it’ll be realized a description of theoretical and practical ways assumed by some evaluation procedures of public politics, having in mind the current influence at the activities developed by auditors of finances and control and Federal Managers. Theoretically this research is founded on the utilization of concepts by Pierre Bourdieu, mainly of field, of habitus, of symbolic power, of symbolic capital. Besides that, through the Speech of the Collective Subjective of Lefevre & Lefevre it´s identified the social representations of efficiency of the target audience, which are analyzed considering the concepts of Bourdieu. Are also targets of analyze the national legislation that guide the public administration, looking to identify the adequations in relation to the capitalist moments. As a result, it was observed as the social representations of efficiency on the target audience assume a disciplinary character, in the sense of proceeding an adequation to the dictates the neoliberal face of capitalism.

Presidente - 1475558 - LORE FORTES
Interno - 1149332 - LINCOLN MORAES DE SOUZA
Externo à Instituição - WILLIAM GLEDSON E SILVA - UERN
Notícia cadastrada em: 12/06/2019 11:58
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