Memory Reconsolidation and Extinction: A Computational Approach
inhibitory avoidance, contextual fear memory, consolidation, reconsolidation, extinction, boundary conditions, computational model, attractor network, Hopfield network.
he reconsolidation and extinction of aversive memories and their boundary conditions have been extensively studied in order to outline better strategies for the treatment of fear and anxiety related disorders. In 2011, Osan et al. developed a computational model for exploring such phenomena based on attractors dynamics, Hebbian plasticity and synaptic degradation induced by prediction error. This model was able to explain in a single formalism several experimental findings regarding the freezing behavior of rodents submitted to paradigms of contextual fear memory consolidation, reconsolidation and extinction. In 2017, Radiske et al., based on experiments in rats subjected to the inhibitory avoidance task, found that the previous knowledge of the current aversive context as non-aversive is a boundary condition for the reconsolidation of the shock memory experienced in that context. In the present work, we aimed to investigate whether the formalism introduced by Osan et al. (2011) is sufficiently general to explain the behavioral results described by Radiske et al. (2017). To do so, we first implemented the Osan et al.'s (2011) model in an open programming language (Python) and validated it through the replication of the main results reported in the original publication regarding contextual fear conditioning. Then, we adapted the model to simulate experimental protocols in the inhibitory avoidance task employed by Radiske et al. (2017). The results show that the boundary condition found by Radiske et al. (2017) is compatible with the dynamics of an attractor network that supports a synaptic labilization system common to reconsolidation and extinction. Finally, by scanning some model parameters – such as the levels of protein synthesis and degradation –, we provide behavioral predictions in the inhibitory avoidance task that can be tested experimentally.