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DATE: 02/06/2020
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Videoconferência

The use of the Somatic Experiencing®-SE ™ method and its effectiveness in a sample of men with clinical diagnosis of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Posttraumatic stress disorder; assault; Somatic Experience®; complementary treatment; adrenal hormones; CRP; oxytocin; affect; validation questionnaire; DSM-IV; DSM-5.

PAGES: 181
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Psicologia

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is essentially characterized by the development of clinical symptoms of a psychological, physiological and behavioral nature after exposure to one or more traumatic events that may vary between different individuals, presenting different combinations of symptomatic patterns included in the diagnostic criteria of the disease (DSM-IV). In the contemporary world, violence in urban centers is increasing, with the occurrence of assaults or robberies followed by death that lead to the onset of PTSD. Evidence from studies on the neurobiology of PTSD has shown neural systems particularly involved in its pathophysiology and different types of treatment approaches. For example, there are several approaches and therapeutic methods of a psychological nature, including the SE ™ method - Somatic Experiencing® (Somatic Experience), focused on improving the symptoms of chronic stress and post-traumatic stress. In this context, the objectives of this study involve 3 aspects related to PTSD: (1) to review the state of the art in the use of complementary psychological treatments in PTSD; (2) to investigate possible changes in psychometric scales and biological markers associated with the treatment of PTSD using the SE™ technique in adult men, victims of assault in the city of Natal, with and without pharmacological treatment , and (3) to validate, from a sample of the adult population in general (n = 452; xx men and xx women), a structured questionnaire for screening and verifying PTSD symptoms, based on the DSM-5. In the first study, a systematic review was carried out, where few studies were found, using techniques such as Yoga, Mindfulness, Brainspotting and the SETM method particularly for the latter. In the second study, a sample consisting of 23 participants was used, divided into two groups, six of whom were using (GM) and 17 were not using medication (GS) for PTSD, to investigate the effectiveness of the treatment using the SETM method. The results showed a significant decrease in the PTSD Impact scale and negative Affection scale, in the absence of difference between cortisol levels before and after therapy. There was also a significant increase in the associated Positive Affection scores and an increase in the Perception of Wellbeing scale, the latter being followed up 3 months after therapy. The results in relation to the Impact, Affection and Perception of well-being scales were similar to those of the GM, for individuals in the GS group as a whole (n = 17), before and after therapy. In GS, in addition, the mean values for cortisol and CRP also remained unchanged when the conditions before and after SETM were compared. When the GS group was separated considering the degrees of mild, moderate and severe PTSD, a difference was found in the psychometric scales between the mild and moderate degrees in relation to the severe, in terms of greater decrease in symptoms after SETM. However, there were no significant differences when considering the classification of PTSD in acute and chronic. It can be suggested that the effectiveness of SETM was significant and that both medicated and unmedicated patients benefited equally from this therapy. Thus, it can be suggested to use SETM as a complementary treatment that can be better used by professionals who work with PTSD. Study 3 aimed to validate an instrument based on DSM-5 for the diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in assault victims. The proposed scale was constructed with 41 items and answered by 408 participants (254 women and 154 men), resulting in four empirical factors, grouping items of different symptomatic criteria of PTSD (Hyperstimulation, Difficulties of cognition and hHumor, Intrusion and Avoidance). The exploratory factor analysis, covering the analysis of the main components and factor loads, indicated a one-dimensional construct on the scale. The four factors (Hyperstimulation, Cognition and mood difficulties, Intrusion and Evitation) presented values of internal consistency calculated by the Cronbach's Alpha test equal to 0.94, 0.83, 0.94 and 0.70, respectively. The means obtained from the four factors of the groups of subjects diagnosed (n = 152) and not diagnosed with PTSD (n = 249) was significantly different (p = 0.000). In this sense, it was possible to demonstrate a strongly significant correlation between the factors and the score of the Event Impact Scale.

Externa à Instituição - LIANA RODRIGUES NETTO
Externa à Instituição - CÍNTIA SATIKO FUZIKAWA - UFMG
Externa à Instituição - Melyssa Kellyane Cavalcanti Galdino - UFPB
Externa à Instituição - PAULA ADRIANA BORBA - UnP
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/05/2020 13:18
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