Public Policies, Elderly Health, Comprehensiveness, Accessibility, Assessment instruments.
The general objective of the work is to develop a diagnosis of public policies to improve the quality of health care for the elderly in the Unified Health System (SUS), aiming to promote comprehensive care. The specific objectives include identifying in the literature the models and instruments available for analyzing public policy strategies aimed at the quality of health care for the elderly and culturally adapting a diagnostic instrument for strategic public policy interventions for the quality of health care for the elderly. elderly in the SUS, ensuring its applicability in the Brazilian context; and carry out a strategic diagnosis for accessibility and comprehensiveness of public health policies for the elderly in Tocantins. The methodology is divided into three main studies: the first is a Scoping Review, which aims to identify in the literature the assessment instruments available to analyze quality strategies in health services and explore the geographic and clinical contexts where these instruments were applied. The second study involves the cross-cultural adaptation of an instrument for analyzing policies and strategies for the elderly population's access to health systems, following specific steps to ensure accuracy and cultural relevance. The third study is a strategic diagnosis for accessibility and comprehensiveness of public health policies for the elderly in Tocantins, carried out through health surveys, administrative records and population surveys. The results highlight the identification of robust instruments for formulating public policies and evaluating the health and well-being of the elderly population, contributing to decision-making by managers and promoting debates on the need for a national model for improving the quality of healthcare. care for the elderly population.