Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 29/03/2019
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Escola de Saúde da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

History of the Januário Cicco Maternity and attention to the mental health of women: is there a link?


Mental health; Women's health; History Knowledge and practices; Maternity.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências da Saúde
ÁREA: Saúde Coletiva
SUBÁREA: Saúde Pública

The Januário Cicco Maternity School (MEJC) was founded in the first half of the 20th century in the city of Natal-RN, known at the time as the Natal Maternity, and was used as a headquarters and hospital during World War II. With the vision to improve the health and public education of Natal, a doctor named Januário Cicco restored the building with federal funds and inaugurated the MEJC in 1928. The present study has the objective to investigate the approach about the mental health of women hospitalized in the MEJC after its creation, referring us to the developed knowledge of know-how and practices as comprehensive health, although not always having this denomination, composes an indisputable fact of the human condition. Faced with this, the question is asked about which mental health care strategies were offered to women hospitalized at the MEJC at the time of its creation? This is a study of the historical approach of the know-how in health and mental health, with the purpose of contributing to the current comprehensive care in the perspective of the care network and its devices. We start from a qualitative research approach whose theoretical contribution will be the conception of New History, and the investigative techniques will be composed by documentary research and oral history. New History has a presupposition to give a new writing and visibility to the facts which were narrated or silenced by the official writing of events which intertwine knowledge and social practices. Documentary research favored the approach to official reports and thematic oral history enabled investigating and filling in the remaining gaps, as well as to understand situations of official foundation of a certain time or context. In doing so, we intend to reflect on the studied phenomenon and how it influences the present. The thematic oral history was based on a semi-structured interview in order to capture the discourses of key informants. The inclusion criteria for the subjects in the research were to have been a worker at the MEJC at the time of its creation and to be in a position to participate in the research, and to accept to do so freely. The participants were informed and signed the Free and Informed Consent Form recommended by Resolution 466/12 which provides for research involving human beings. The documentary data collection used were: digitized newspapers of the National Digital Library and the Zila Mamede Central Library. The analysis of the present research implemented the content analysis technique as reference according to the steps described by Minayo, which consist of preanalysis (floating reading of the material), exploration of the material or codification (search for categories and significant words) and treating the obtained results/interpretation (proposes inferences and performs interpretations). The results showed that the knowledge of Mental Health practices developed in the maternity run through the knowledge and assimilation of mental health as a psychiatry model, focused on the figures of the psychiatrist, psychologist and social worker; and is also associated with the conducts and norms related to the humanization process, such as: patient listening, 24-hour availability/visitation for companions, sufficient professionals trained in mental health, privacy and therapeutic projects which work with the mothers of children admitted to the neonatal unit. Another point considered as an approach in mental health is the way the social context is inserted in maternity, as well as the context of unemployment, safety, social determinants in health and expanded concept in health. 

Presidente - 2566534 - JACILEIDE GUIMARAES
Externo à Instituição - JOÃO BOSCO FILHO - UERN
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/03/2019 13:58
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