PPECO/CCSA PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM ECONOMIA CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS Téléphone/Extension: (84) 3342-2288/145 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppeco


Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 13/06/2017
HORA: 14:30
LOCAL: NEPSA II - auditório 2

Functional Income Distribution in Brazil (1995-2014)

In the economic sciences, there are many studies analyzing the issue of economic inequality, but one of the criticisms of contemporary economic literature that studies income inequality is that it predominantly studies aspects related to personal income distribution, forgetting to deepen in the questions related to the functional income distribution. Although the functional income distribution is an important aspect in the development of many macroeconomic theories, its study is still very neglected both internationally and nationally. This is due, in large part, to the theoretical and methodological limitations inherent to its study. Despite these limitations, there are several factors that motivate its study. Thus, the present work aims to analyze the historical trajectory of the Functional Income Distribution in Brazil between 1955-2014. The results show that between 1955 and 2014, the functional income distribution in Brazil presented a cyclical behavior and followed the international dynamics. We also verify that studies aimed at functional income distribution should take into account conceptual, methodological and quantitative factors, since there are considerable differences in techniques for measuring capital and labor share in national income. The data were obtained, mainly, through the National Accounts carried out by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística and by the database of the International Labor Organization and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Deselopment. 


Income distribution. Functional Income Distribution. Wage share in National Income. Capital Share in National Income

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Economia

In the economic sciences, there are many studies analyzing the issue of economic inequality, but one of the criticisms of contemporary economic literature that studies income inequality is that it predominantly studies aspects related to personal income distribution, forgetting to deepen in the questions related to the functional income distribution. Although the functional income distribution is an important aspect in the development of many macroeconomic theories, its study is still very neglected both internationally and nationally. This is due, in large part, to the theoretical and methodological limitations inherent to its study. Despite these limitations, there are several factors that motivate its study. Thus, the present work aims to analyze the historical trajectory of the Functional Income Distribution in Brazil between 1955-2014. The results show that between 1955 and 2014, the functional income distribution in Brazil presented a cyclical behavior and followed the international dynamics. We also verify that studies aimed at functional income distribution should take into account conceptual, methodological and quantitative factors, since there are considerable differences in techniques for measuring capital and labor share in national income. The data were obtained, mainly, through the National Accounts carried out by the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística and by the database of the International Labor Organization and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Deselopment. 

Externo ao Programa - 2330704 - CASSIANO JOSE BEZERRA MARQUES TROVAO
Presidente - 1752338 - FABRICIO PITOMBO LEITE
Externo ao Programa - 7349918 - MARCONI GOMES DA SILVA
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/05/2017 22:20
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