Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 27/04/2018
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Ponto de Presença (PoP-RN) da Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (RNP) no Centro de Convivência

 The influence of Higher Education on Sexual Selection


College experience; Self-esteem; Self-efficacy; Mate value; Self-evaluation as romantic partner.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

Throughout life, some periods prove to be more meaningful than others, promoting personal changes. Therefore, life experiences shape the way we see ourselves and the world. In this way, we can point College years as an important period in someone’s life. College represents an intellectually rich environment that stimulates personal growth, in this scenario the student is exposed to a great diversity of people and knowledge. Thus, Higher Education acts as a catalyzer for personal changes, through which undergraduates get the chance to widen and reevaluate their perceptions. New physical and social environments promote changes in the way people see themselves, influencing, for example, their self-esteem (known as a sociometer) and self-efficacy (belief on your own capacity). Considering the importance of self-evaluation on sexual selection (e.g. mate value) and the potential of transformation promoted by college experience, it’s interesting to observe the relation between these self-perceptions (self-esteem and self-efficacy) and the influence on undergraduates’ self-perceived mate value. The present work was conducted using an undergraduate Brazilian population, students participating in the study were freshmen and seniors. Our aim was to compare how undergraduates’ self-perception on self-esteem, self-efficacy (general and specific to higher education) and self-evaluation as romantic partner (SRP) was presented, considering the different time exposure to college experiences and demands. On the first study, our goal was to verify the relation between self-esteem and self-efficacy in undergraduate students, one group initiating their college studies and other finishing their studies. For the second study, considering our knowledge from the literature on how self-esteem acts influencing people’s SRP and having established the relation between self-esteem and self-efficacy in our first study, our aim was to observe the influence of undergraduates’ self-efficacy on their SRP, analyzing this influence for both freshmen and seniors. Results indicated positive correlation between self-esteem and self-efficacy for undergraduate students from both college periods and both sexes, no significant difference was found between periods. Further, we also found an association between general self-efficacy and SPR but there was no significance for college period.  For the analysis involving SPR and higher education self-efficacy it was found significant association, for sex as well as college period. Thereby, the present research brought a new approach to sexual selection studies, using self-efficacy in the context of romantic partner selection and offering evidence that one’s own perception of mate value seem to be affected by personal beliefs relating to competence.

Interno - 2316116 - FELIPE NALON CASTRO
Presidente - 1350337 - FIVIA DE ARAUJO LOPES
Externo à Instituição - ROSANA SUEMI TOKUMARU - UFES
Notícia cadastrada em: 19/04/2018 09:58
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