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DATE: 29/07/2024
TIME: 08:30
LOCAL: Plataforma de Webconferência


Feminist Disability Studies. Intersectionality. Women students with disabilities. Higher education.

PAGES: 127
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

Throughout the history of humanity, different derogatory paradigms have emerged
about what disability is, and they still manifest themselves today through ableist
attitudes that marginalize people with disabilities. In the context of this dissertation,
we base ourselves on the theoretical assumptions of Feminist Disability Studies,
which propose challenging conceptions that label and inferiorize people with
disabilities from an intersectional perspective, since the intertwining of different
identity markers results in an intensification of human vulnerabilities. Based on these
assumptions, this research aimed to analyze the conceptions of women students with
disabilities about inclusion and accessibility at the Federal University of Paraíba
(UFPB), in the light of its institutional policies. In order to achieve this goal, we used a
qualitative approach, carrying out bibliographical and documentary research on
women, disability and higher education, as well as applying a questionnaire
disseminated at UFPB, the locus of this study, in order to characterize the institution's
female students with disabilities from an intersectional perspective. Finally, using the
Thematic Oral History methodology, we conducted interviews with six women
students with disabilities, whose narratives were analyzed using Dialogic Discourse
Analysis. The results indicate that women students with disabilities face challenges
related to subordination from the moment they choose a course, throughout their
academic career, and also when they enter the job market; There is a predominance
of research on women students with disabilities in the Northeast and South regions of
the country; There is a lack of studies investigating the experiences of women
students with disabilities in higher education; There has been progress in the
inclusion of intersectionality as an integral part of the experience of disability in
guiding and normative documents; There are signs of efforts by different subjects and
groups to make UFPB a more equitable institution for all people; There are
under-representations within the group of women students with disabilities, such as
those who are black, quilombola, indigenous or LGBTQIAPN+ at UFPB. Based on
these results, and also on the speeches of the research participants, we conclude
that women students with disabilities are continually affected by countless obstacles
stemming from a society that is notoriously ableist, sexist, racist, lgbtphobic, among
other forms of oppression which, when intersecting, constitute obstacles to access,
permanence, participation and learning within the scope of Higher Education. Based
on Feminist Disability Studies, we consider it essential not only to draw up and
implement institutional inclusion and accessibility policies, but also to adopt
transformative attitudes committed to the anti-capacity struggle from an intersectional
perspective, thus making the university a truly welcoming space for all people.

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