Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 03/03/2020
TIME: 13:00
LOCAL: Auditório 1 do DPP/CCHLA

Evaluation of ecosystem services provided by the wetlands of the Piranhas-Açu river estuary (RN-NE - Brazil).


Coastal Ecosystems, SIG, Semiarid coast.

PAGES: 135
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Geografia

Wetlands are terrestrial and aquatic environments, periodically flooded by freshwater, brackish or saline, being of natural or artificial origin, continental or coastal. Occurring in almost all parts of the globe, in Brazil, coastal ecosystems are well distributed, representing 20% of the territory, due to the local physical conditions. Therefore, the research is based on the problem that, in Brazil, the occupation of the coastal zone constitutes a serious risk and commitment to the services rendered by the coastal ecosystems, specifically in the semi-arid coast of the country, being verified the occurrence of a great diversity of wetlands, such as coastal / estuarine (eg. mangroves, lagoons, ponds) or artificial (eg. solar salt). The estuarine complex of the Piranhas-Açu River, located between the municipalities of Macao and Port of Mangue in the state of Rio Grande do Norte is one of the areas that plays an important role due to the diversity of coastal wetlands that configure the landscape being these ecosystems responsible for providing many ecosystem services to the well-being of local human communities. Ecosystem services (SE) are the ability of the ecosystem to offer goods or services to man, either directly (tangible) or indirect (intangible), for the sake of his or her well-being. Based on this conception, this study has as main focus to evaluate the dynamics of the ecosystem services provided by the wetlands in the Piranhas-Açu river estuarine zone, from the identification and characterization of land use and land cover in the last 50 years. This period of half a century is highlighted by the beginning of intense changes in the landscape in the estuarine zones of the northern coast, mainly with the construction of extensive areas for shrimp farming, followed by the expansion and mechanization of the saline activity. Finally, this study seeks to evaluate the commitment of these services based on the use and land cover. The methodology used to carry out the research counts in the initial phase with the assembly of a theoretical matrix that assists in the development of scientific research, followed by multitemporal mapping of wetlands, which will be assisted by the geographic information system and the on-site visits to verify the accuracy of the most recent mapping, as well as the classification of identified macrohabitats, based on the study of Junk et al. (2014), being classified according to the hydrogeomorphological and phytophysiomic features. For the classification of ecosystem services will be used CICES - The Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services, which divides services into provision, maintenance/regulation and cultural. The identified and classified services will be spatialized according to the methodology of Burkhard et al. (2017), making it possible to identify the main areas with the highest production of services. In order to evaluate the commitment of ecosystem services and to contribute to spatial planning in these areas, the qualitative environmental assessment methodology that will be used is the DPSIR model. As preliminary results, five coastal ecosystems were identified, among them: estuary, coastal lagoons, mangrove, apicuns (hypersaline plain with salt field) and solar salt, where it can be seen that most of the territory is represented by solar salt, while natural ecosystems have a more localized pattern of occupation.Given this, it is believed that through this research, it is possible to contribute with a greater knowledge about the wetlands located in coastal zones under semi-arid climate, as well as serve as a support for consultation during the elaboration and / or implementation of public policies of territorial planning and coastal management in these areas.

Presidente - 2966354 - DIOGENES FELIX DA SILVA COSTA
Externo à Instituição - SUELI ANGELO FURLAN - USP
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/02/2020 09:11
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