Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 11/03/2019
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Auditório "C" do CCHLA



Semi-arid; Mountain environments; Caatinga; GIS.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Geografia

In the scope of research on ecosystem services (SE), the Brazilian semiarid has been approached by important surveys, but for the Caatinga Biome the information is still scarce. Still in relation to the Caatinga, this one presents / displays a diversity of environments that confer to her physiognomies and heterogenous vegetal formations, and of the diverse environments, it is emphasized, in the present research, to the serranos environments. With regard to the production of knowledge about the ecosystem services provided by its vegetation cover, the situation is a gap, given the scarcity of studies and / or data. In this worrisome context is inserted the Serra do João do Vale (RN / PB), a solid mass capped by the arenite formation of Martins and covered by the Caatinga and fragments of tropical rain forest seasonally dry, being unknown, for the vegetal cover, its services ecosystems. Thus, the main objective was to evaluate the ecosystem services provided by the vegetation cover in the João do Vale mountain range (RN / PB). The interpretations of the paleoenvironmental conditions of the northern Northeast semiarid allow us to infer that the Caatinga physiognomy oscillated between savannas with conditions to maintain a pleistocene megafauna and forest physiognomies between 42,000 years AP and 11,800 years AP, and it is inferred that the study area presented variations. His current physiognomy is the result of human actions that began in the eighteenth century. The shrub caatinga (191.8 km2) and the arboreal Caatinga (39.4 km2) presented distribution pattern covering slopes and crystalline escarpments, and their structures are strongly influenced by human action and ecological succession. The seasonally dry rainforest (21.8 km2), initially located on the plateaus, was devastated, leaving only a few fragments on slopes and steeper slopes and on small plateaus. Considerable portion of these fragments are in the succession stage. As for the ecosystem services provided by the vegetation cover more directly to the community, emphasis is given to the SE of Provision and SE Culturalis, which had information obtained directly to its residents. It was concluded that allied to the phytosionomies of the study area provide important, ecosystem services for the well-being of the local human communities (mainly the SE of Regulation and Maintenance), where the approach used in this research provided high potential auxiliary and support decision-making regarding ecosystem conservation, as well as actions for environmental awareness and education.

Presidente - 2966354 - DIOGENES FELIX DA SILVA COSTA
Interno - 1149364 - LUIZ ANTONIO CESTARO
Externo à Instituição - ROSEMERI MELO E SOUZA - UFS
Notícia cadastrada em: 27/02/2019 10:12
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