Promotion of Information Literacy and Reading in a Community Library Through Gamification
community library; social protagonism; information literacy; gamification; reading promotion.
This study proposes an innovative approach within the context of community libraries, focusing on the development of information literacy and the promotion of reading through gamification as a relevant element. The research takes place at the Fé, Alegria e Esperança Community Library, part of the Fé e Alegria Foundation of Brazil, a reference facility for the Boa Esperança community in the city of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This library carries out various reading promotion activities and stimulates the development of information literacy, targeting the students involved in the institution’s projects. In this context, the information practices are based on an institutional document with a theme matrix related to social coexistence and the rights of children and youth. Within this framework, gamification, defined as the use of game elements in non-game contexts, emerges as a strategy to enhance the motivation and engagement of the library’s users. Therefore, the general objective of this research is to propose a practical guide for gamified activities to develop information literacy and promote reading among users of the Fé, Alegria e Esperança Community Library, part of the Fé e Alegria Foundation of Brazil. The specific objectives outlined are: To define the gamification model to develop the gamified activities and their elements; To develop a set of gamified activities appropriate for the community library’s context; To test the gamified activities with a pilot group of library users to evaluate their effectiveness and usability; To create the guide, including descriptions of the gamified activities, instructions, and supporting materials. Methodological procedures pertinent to exploratory, descriptive, and applied research with an action research approach were used. The study includes techniques such as bibliographic research and participant observation, with tests of gamified activities conducted with a pilot group of library users, based on the modeling created by Ivanio Dickmann. As partial results, the modeling of four gamified activities is presented. The scientific relevance of this research lies in its potential to serve as a reference for other institutions of the same kind, interested in promoting the holistic development of their users through innovative and socially engaged strategies.