Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 21/08/2020
TIME: 14:30
LOCAL: Videoconferência 

MCCATI: A collaboration, communication and learning methodology for IT teams


Collaborative learning, CSCL, group formation, Team management.

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
SPECIALTY: Tecnologia Educacional

Collaborative learning with computer support (CSCL) has been contributing and improving the teaching-learning process for some decades. Through their methods, it is possible to promote more active and stimulating learning: critical thinking, peer interaction, problem solving and self-regulation of the learning and teaching process. The present work is part of the line of research of educational practices with educational technologies and seeks ways to bring the entire theoretical and practical framework of CSCL to an organizational environment. Thinking about the management of Information Technology (IT) teams’ points to the need of integrating different fields of knowledge and the emergence of adopting collaborative work among teams in corporate environments. The research will take place within the scope of the Information Technology Board (ITB) of the Metropole Digital Institute (IMD), a specialized academic unit of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The objective of the work is to develop a methodology based on applications and CSCL concepts to implement collaboration, communication and learning for an IT team. As for specific objectives, this work proposes Diagnosing the skills and difficulties of the participants; Identifying the best-suited group formation strategy to the organization's reality; Mapping collaborative learning environments and processes for application in the organization; and Validating the proposed methodology. The methodology of the work is presented as an exploratory research with a qualitative-quantitative approach, with elements of action research. The methodology will bring together concepts that will serve as support for certain activities in an interrelated way. For its conception we will have the following phases: Identification of profiles, correlation between the identified profiles and the most appropriate group formation method for the organization, generation of outputs with CSCL Scripts, measurement of the collaboration rates and impact on the sector's productivity. Finally, it is expected that, at the end of this work, we will be able to use the proposed methodology and that it will be able to be implemented in the ITB organizational culture collaboration between peers, serving as a reference for management in the dissemination of collaborative learning in other environments. organizational.

Presidente - 3229319 - APUENA VIEIRA GOMES
Interna - 2245086 - ISABEL DILLMANN NUNES
Externa ao Programa - 2885481 - IRIS LINHARES PIMENTA GURGEL
Externo ao Programa - 2180207 - ITAMIR DE MORAIS BARROCA FILHO

Notícia cadastrada em: 28/07/2020 09:54
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