Bruce is Irish. He taught English and Anglo-Irish Literature at the University of Ulster in the United Kingdom for 25 years before joining the staff at UFRN, and has also taught in North Africa and Arabia in earlier times. He has served as Literary Director of the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco for eight years and was two-times Secretary of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literature (IASIL). He assistant-edited the Oxford Companion to Irish Literature (1996)
Formação acadêmica/profissional (Onde obteve os títulos, atuação profissional, etc.)
Bruce holds a 1st Class BA Honours degree in English Literature from Trinity College, Dublin (1971), an MA in Modern English from the University of California (1974), and a PhD on James Joyce from Trinity College (1979). He was a Foundation Scholar at Trintity College and won the Robert Gardiner Memorial Scholarship for post-graduate studies at St. John's College, Cambridge, in 1971 and 1974. He also holds an RSA Dip. in TEFL (1987). He lectureed at the Ulster University in Northern Ireland for many years and is now an emeritus staff member with the rank of University Reader.
Áreas de Interesse
(áreas de interesse de ensino e pesquisa)
Bruce is interested in English and Irish Literature of all periods and has published widely on the subject. He also served as Assistant Editor of "The Oxford Companion to Irish Literature" (1996), a major research project. In 2004 he published a book on James Joyce with the Oxford University and has edited numerous conference-collections for the Princess Grace Irish Library (1988-2004). He created and still maintains RICORSO, a widely-used resource on Irish writers at
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Centro de Ciências Humanas Letras e Artes. Av. Senador Salgado Filho, 3000 Campus Universitário - 59078-970 Natal, RN - Brasil