Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 14/12/2021
TIME: 15:00



Promotion. Tourism municipality. Federalism. State financial activity. tourism planning.

PAGES: 113
BIG AREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
AREA: Serviço Social

The municipalities have gained the status of federative entities in Brazil since the 1988 Constitution. Thus, they began to assume more responsibilities and differentiated competencies in relation to the other Entities (Union and State). Consequently, they received powers, rights, and duties, and ended up becoming responsible for their own development, strengthening and investing in possibly promising activities that they thought were capable of contributing in several aspects, including the local economy. Tourism has stood out as one of these possibilities, since it has come to be seen by many managers as a tool for the development of their economies. Given this context, in which the municipality is inserted in the administrative configuration of the State, as an autonomous federative entity, of its financial capacity to implement planned actions, of its tourism potential, of the possibility of mirroring itself in successful destinations to achieve space with tourism and the role of the State in regulating and coordinating the use of space and territory, it is important to understand what is the role of funding to develop tourism in Brazil.  Thus, the objective of the thesis project is to analyze the effects of federal public funding for the promotion and planning of tourism in tourist municipalities. The specific objectives are: a) To unveil the public financing system for the promotion of tourism in tourist municipalities; b) To present an overview of the financing sources and magnitude of tourism-related expenses; c) To verify the direction of spending for the structuring and planning of tourism; d) To investigate advances and obstacles of the federal public financing system for the structural organization of tourism in the investigated municipalities. For the above, a historical-dialectical approach is imperative.  It is from the elements of this conceptual matrix that the present research aims to promote a discussion that highlights dialogues and debates involving subjects such as: federal pact, role and financial activity of the State, neoinstitutionalism, planning and tourism municipality. Theoretically, the strategy for interpretation of this thesis will be the systemic approach because it is considered the most appropriate for the study of the organization and structuring of tourism, in order to observe it from a global point of view, able to see the parts that make up the whole. The study will have a qualitative approach. As for the technical procedures, bibliographic and documental research will be used. The selection of articles for bibliographic analysis was carried out through the Knowledge Development Process - Constructivist (ProKnow-C). After building the bibliographic portfolio, it is intended to cross-reference the studies found in order to identify the seminal authors, by means of bibliographic coupling and author cocitation analysis through the free software Vosviewer. To complement and even ratify the theoretical discussion adopted in this work, it is essential to conduct empirical research and respective analysis in a geographic space. In this sense, the application will occur in Tocantins. To achieve the objective proposed in this study, a collection of secondary data will be carried out in order to understand how public resources were allocated to tourism in the period from 2008 to 2020. The data will be collected in the Integrated System of Planning and Budget - SIOP, in the open transfers panel, the works panel, the indicators panel and the + Brazil parliamentary panel. The analysis and discussion of the results will be carried out under a critical-reflexive perspective, from the definition of categories, which contribute with a survey of the totality to find the patterns of investments and the relationship between desires and needs for the organization and planning of tourism.

Externa ao Programa - 2135640 - CAROLINA TODESCO
Presidente - 021.062.389-67 - KERLEI ENIELE SONAGLIO - UnB
Externo à Instituição - RODRIGO CARDOSO DA SILVA - IFB
Notícia cadastrada em: 29/11/2021 17:01
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