PPGFST PROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM FISIOTERAPIA CENTRO DE CIÊNCIAS DA SAÚDE Telefone/Ramal: (84) 3342-2002 https://posgraduacao.ufrn.br/ppgfst


Prezados alunos,


O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fisioterapia informa que estará recebendo a visita técnica do professor Edagar Vieira, da Universidade Internacional da Flórida (FIU), no período de 31 de julho a 09 de agosto. Na ocasião, ele irá ministrar um curso (segue abaixo a programação), direcionado a  aos estudantes da pós-graduação. 







Prof. Dr. Álvaro Campos Cavalcanti Maciel
coordenador do ppgfis-ufrn


Research in Aging, Functional Decline, Falls & Injury Prevention



1 pm to 5 pm, Monday to Thursday, July 30 to August 09, 2018.



Edgar Ramos Vieira, PT, PhD

Associate Professor

Department of Physical Therapy

Florida International University





Students will learn about research topics in aging studies including the principles of aging, aging research, methods of assessment of mobility, frailty and falls, and interventions to prevent mobility disability, frailty and falls.



This class will incorporate reading assignments, lectures, off class assignments, group discussions, and off campus visits to facilitate student learning including older adult interviews.



At the completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand principles of aging research.
  2. Differentiate between normal age-related physiological changes and pathological manifestations of aging.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of current aging theories.
  4. Determine which assessment tools to use for mobility, balance, gait and strength assessments.
  5. Understand (describe and explain) the scientific basis of selected techniques for analysis of movement, including motion capture and surface electromyography, posturography, videography, and dynamometery.
  6. Evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages of selected techniques for analysis of movement relative to specific clinical and/or research questions
  7. Determine appropriate interventions and exercise programs to the needs of older adults.
  8. Create and evaluate falls prevention programs.



Interview assignment = 30%; Exam = 70%.

TOPICS BY DATE (subject to change as needed)

Jul 30              Introduction; Aging Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Jul 31              Research Methods and Principles of Measurement in Aging Studies

Aug 01            Theories of Aging

Aug 02            Aging-Related Physiological & Mobility Changes

Aug 06            Mobility/Gait, Balance, Motion and Strength Assessments

Aug 07            Interview with Older Adult Assignment Due

Aug 07            Falls Epidemiology and Risk Factors

Aug 08            Falls Risk Reduction, Exercise and Physical Activity

Aug 09            Exam


Notícia cadastrada em: 05/07/2018 16:20
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