An unusual antithrombotic heparan sulfate with high degree of 2-O-sulphated uronic acid from pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
Shrimp heparan sulfate; Structural analysis; Antithrombotic activity; Anticoagulant activity; Litopenaeus vannamei; Crustacean
The presence of heparin-like and heparan sulfate-like compounds has been described in literature for a wide variety of marine invertebrate’s species. This study highlights the occurrence of an unusual heparan sulfate (uHS) isolated from heads of the pacific white shrimp specie (Litopenaeus vannamei). Structurally the shrimp uHS presents a high molecular mass (~ 35 kDa) compared to mammalian heparin (~ 16 kDa). Furthermore, enzymatic depolymerization analyzes revealed that its structure is mainly composed of disaccharides containing 2-O-sufated uronic acid and glucosamine N-acetylated (~ 75%). Although shrimp uHS have shown negligible anticoagulant activity by APTT and PT methods and not be able to stabilize the antithrombin, its anticoagulant action is mainly exerted through the inhibition of factor IIa and factor Xa. Showing a low hemorrhagic effect compared to mammalian heparin, shrimp uHS was still able to reduce the volume of thrombi in vivo (~ 70%), as well as was able to induce the synthesis of HS antithrombotic for endothelial cells in vitro. The identification of a novel unusual heparan sulfate with potential antithrombotic, anticoagulant and low hemorrhagic effect from L. vannamei shrimp species can contribute to a better understanding around structure-function relationship of sulfated polysaccharides from marine invertebrates, as well as makes this molecule an interesting target to expand the studies to develop more effective and safe antithrombotic drugs.