Comparing four genomes of Infectious Myonecrosis Virus: polymorphic sites, hypervariable regions and protein conserved domains
Totiviridae, secondary structure, protein models.
Two complete genomes of Infectious Myonecrosis Virus (IMNV) isolates from Brazil were sequenced, and compared to each other and with two other sequences available in GenBank. Their genomes are organized in two ORFs: ORF1 that encodes a RNA binding protein (DSRM) and the major capsid protein (MCP), and ORF2, that encodes a RNA polymerase RNA dependent (RdRp). A comparative analysis of four complete genomes revealed a putative hypervariable region in the first half of ORF1 and highly conservation in the region that encoding RdRp. Structural models of DSRM, MCP and RdRP were predicted and indicate that IMNV proteins shared some similar structural motifs with proteins from other Totiviridae. Some variable sites in MCP and RdRp are located in regions that can affect protein shapes. In addition, conserved and variable regions were selected to development of a new PCR protocol to IMNV identification able to differentiate the isolates.