Seminários em Neurociências 2011.1

Segunda-feira 04/07/2011 10:50h Sala 4 – Escola de Ciência e Tecnologia


Free will in the contemporary philosophy

Prof. Claudio F. Costa (Depto. Filosofia / UFRN)

My aim in this exposition is to introduce the philosophical discussion on free will from the present perspective. There are traditionally three main views concerning free will: libertarianism, determinism and compatibilism. After discarding libertarianism and determinism, I will defend compatibilism as the most plausible view, since it is the only theory able to conform our ordinary intuition that we are free in our decisions and actions with our scientific assumption that our decisions and actions are causally determined.


Local: Sala 4 – 1º. andar - Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia / UFRN

Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova, 59078-970 - Natal - RN

Tel: +55 (84) 3217-0003 / 4008-0003 (IINN-ELS / CPN)



 (*) Este será o nosso último seminário do semestre. Retornaremos com nossas atividades em Agosto.

Notícia cadastrada em: 30/06/2011 08:58
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