burns, rehabilitation, quality of life.
The experience of a traumatic situation can trigger the narration of a story in order to elucidate and give meaning to the lived experience, or it can even re-make an event. The general objective of this investigation is to understand the meaning of the marks in the body of the burned patients attended for more than six months in the outpatient clinic of the Treatment Center of Burns of a hospital in the Brazilian northeast. The research in question deals with a qualitative study that through phenomenology seeks to understand the meaning of the marks in the body of subjects who suffered great burns, subjectively learning the perception of body, the way of being and living. The subjects of the research will be individuals in outpatient follow-up for more than six months in the outpatient clinic of the Burn Treatment Center of a hospital in the Brazilian northeast. The choice of subjects occurred once these fit the purpose of the study and in the case of patients who have suffered major recent burns, the impact of the burn is still not an everyday occurrence. In the possession of the information, the process of placing in parentheses (in parentheses the theoretical and clinical knowledge about the body marks of burns) will be carried out in order to understand the meaning of these marks from the description of the individual who owns them.