Assessment of self-perceived and clinical oral health and temporomandibular disorders of institutionalized elderly and residents in urban and rural communities in the interior of Paraíba
Key words: Old age assistence; Quality of life; Oral health; Geriatric dentistry; Public health.
Objective: To evaluate the self-perception of oral health in the physical, psychosocial and pain / discomfort dimensions linked to the clinical conditions and orofacial pain of institutionalized elderly people, living in the urban area and rural area of Paraíba. Method: Observational, cross-sectional study, quantitative approach, population base and non-probabilistic sampling for convenience among 81 elderly: 27 residents in a long-stay institution and the other males by age and gender between urban (n = 27) and rural (n = 27). The GOHAI was used to evaluate the self-perception of oral health in quality of life, the QST / DTM (Questionnaire For Screening Of Patients With Temporomandibular Disorders) for the influences of orofacial pains and the indices of biofilm in tooth by Silness and Loe and in prosthetics by Ambjornesen. Results: Predominance of the female sex (74.1%), 77.8% of whom were born in the city of Cuité-PB and had a higher frequency (32.1%), pointing to the age range of 60-65 years. The frequency of GOHAI related to high perception obtained a higher frequency between urban area (77.8%) and lower frequency (66.7) in the rural area, with a p-value of 0.004, showing a statistical difference between dwelling places. In the QST / DTM, all frequencies indicated the majority of individuals as non-carriers, but with a statistical relation related to gender (p = 0.007) and income (p = 0.002). The highest frequencies for the biofilm analysis were related to the presence of this in teeth or prosthesis, more frequently linked to the inhabitants of the rural area, 84.6%. Conclusion: There was a difference between the samples related to self-perception and the place of residence, showing the elderly with excellent oral health, not consistent with the clinical condition found, showing the secondaryarization of oral health problems