Elderly. Domestic violence. Questionnaires. Psychometry.
INTRODUCTION: The scientific literature has shown limitations in the production of screening instruments for violence against the elderly in the Brazilian context. Currently, this type of study has been little approached in the Brazilian context, regarding the cross-cultural adaptation of instruments for the elderly population. HITS- Brazil is a brief screening tool for domestic violence against the elderly, which can be used in clinical and domicile contexts, aiming at establishing the risk of violence. This study, because it deals with the translation and adaptation and validation of an instrument that does not originate nor Brazilian validation, followed rigorous methodological criteria in order to guarantee wide reliability and later be applied and used by other researchers for screening of RV against the elderly. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to translate, adapt and evaluate the psychometric properties (validity and reliability) of the Hurt Insult Threatened Scream (HITS) instrument for the screening of domestic violence against the elderly. METHOD: Study of translation, adaptation and validation. A total of 30 elderly people were recruited for the operational equivalence phase and 48 elderly people aged 65 to 80 years or more of both sexes were recruited, mean age for the two stages was 70.8 years taking into account the two groups. Data on sociodemographic variables, cognitive ability and HITS application were collected. For the analysis of the results we used the descriptive and inferential statistics, for the operational equivalence stage, the equivalence of the items that happened in five stages that evaluated the semantic, idiomatic, experimental and conceptual equivalences for the Brazilian context was evaluated. After this process the measurement equivalence stage was started, which sought to evaluate the validity and reliability of the 48 elderly subjects. RESULTS: The study complied with the five stages of HITS transcultural translation and adaptation process: translations, back translations, synthesis of translations, semantic, idiomatic, experiential and conceptual equivalence analysis by a committee of experts and pre-test in 30 elderly people, which was followed by adjustments of language and concepts, reaching the final form of the instrument, named HITSBrazil. The values obtained through Cronbach's alpha coefficient showed acceptable results for all items (item 1: 0.80, item 2: 0, 75, item 3: 0,80 and item 4: 0,68). In the analysis of inter-examiner agreement we had good agreement for items 1 and 2 and low agreement for items 3 and 4 of the scale. We considered that the low agreement in items 3 and 4 would not negatively imply the overall coxtext of the scale, since we have a high reliability by the cronbach alpha. CONCLUSION: In its final version, HITS-Brazil obtained a high reliability index for the four items when its internal consistency was evaluated, indicating that the results are satisfactory.