A Teoria da Objetivação e o desenvolvimento da Orientação Espacial no Ensino da Geometria
Theory of Objectivation, Subjectivation; Space Orientation; Semiotic means.
This work aims to analyze the semiotic means mobilized in the process of teaching / learning of spatial orientation, in the school context of a group of the 6th year of Elementary School. The research adopts as a theoretical reference and basis for the analysis of the results, the Theory of Objectification developed by Radford (2017a) that has as a presupposition that knowledge is something potential and socially and culturally placed and not an individual construction. The Theory of Objectivation based the theoretical assumptions of the methodology, the design of the tasks to be applied in the intervention in the classroom and the analysis of the data collected. The intervention occurred through the application of six tasks designed to create situations in the classroom, through a joint work between teacher and students, for the development of spatial orientation in a classroom of the 6th Elementary School. The data collected allowed to identify the semiotic mobilities mobilized in the activity and the characteristics generated by their coordinated action, which has a multimodal effect. The identifications of the semiotic means involved allow us to analyze the process of objectification and subjectivation that occurs to this interlaced, in a process of coincidence, seeking to understand the difficulties involved, the necessary interventions and how the semiotic means mobilized can lead to a reflexive and ethical relationship with space.