power line; seabirds; wind; ovary; testicle
Among the anthropogenic impacts suffered by birds, collisions of these animals in built structures, especially in power lines, are increasingly frequent and alarming. Studies with this issue, however, are still recent and scarce, especially in South America and Brazil. Migratory birds are animals that generally excel in this type of impact. The marine species Sterna dougallii (ROST) and Sterna hirundo (COTE) are animals that migrate to the South American coast during the boreal winter and can be found on the coast of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). As they are birds with a well-defined reproductive seasonality, their gonads undergo periodic changes, but little is known about these dynamics at the histological level, as well as about the general characteristics of gonadal histology. Representatives of COTE and ROST began to be found by the beach monitoring teams of the Projeto Cetáceos da Costa Branca (PCCB-UERN), near a power distribution line, with signs of collision, on a beach on the coast of RN between the years 2010 and 2020. Many of these animals died and had their tissues stored in the PCCB-UERN biological samples bank. Based on this sample, this research sought to characterize the events of bird collisions in a power line in the city of Galinhos/RN, in the face of changes in the coastal landscape, as well as to describe the gonads and gonadal reproductive stage of individuals involved in the problematic. Data were collected between 2010 and 2020 daily and uninterrupted by monitoring the beach strip crossed by the distribution line. The birds found had their coordinates recorded and if they were alive, they were sent to the PCCB-UERN Marine Fauna Rehabilitation Center. 62 gonads of birds that died were collected, fixed in 10% formalin, and subjected to a laboratory preparation routine for histological slides. This research indicated that there was a significant increase in the frequency of bird collisions coinciding with the installation of a wind farm on a nearby beach; statistical tests also revealed that there was no decrease in the frequency of colliding birds, even with the installation of diverters in part of the line's wires. Histological analysis of the gonads revealed a microanatomical conserved pattern in relation to other species, the ovaries presented the cortex region with all forms of follicle and also a very pronounced medullar region; the testes showed seminiferous tubules with narrowed lumens and seminiferous epithelium without sperm production, as well as well-developed interstitial tissue. Studies show that wind farms can cause displacement on bird flight routes, which may indicate a possible influence of the farm on the increase in collisions; other researchers claim that fixed spiral diverters (the type installed in the line of this study) have a lesser mitigating effect when compared to those with moving parts. In short, this research points to bird collision events on power lines that have never been recorded in RN and indicates the possible influence of a wind farm in this process.