Volumetric parameters of the posterior fossa in basilar impression.
Occipital bone, posterior fossa, basilar impression
The reduction of PF is reported in the literature, mainly in the Chiari malformation. Explanations of how the process of reducing PF in BI type B The reduction of PF is reported in the literature, mainly in the Chiari malformation. Explanations of how the process of reducing PF in BI type B occurs is unknown. In the Northeast of Brazil, a predominantly brachycephalic population, this type of BI has been reported. The objective of the study was to evaluate the parameters of the volume of PF in BI type B and its relation with brachycephaly in a sample from the northeast. It is a case-control study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of adults. The sample consisted of 126 MRI, the control group with (n = 96) MRI and the case with (n = 30), the latter, were previously defined by two neuroradiologist doctors. Linear measurements and 3D volume of PF and EPF were performed using the Osirix imaging software. The PF volume was significantly (p = 0.0001) lower in BI individuals compared to the control group. The decrease in PF in BI type B occurred in the relative length parameter (p = 0.0001), there was no change in height. In the head phenotype relation, the individuals with BI of the hyperbrachycephalic group had a volume loss of 1.22%, equivalent to 17.3 ml. The PF parameters allow concluding that the volume of PF is lower in individuals affected by IB, although the VT remains unchanged, considering the hyperbrachycephalic phenotype the volume loss of PF was high (17.3 ml). This study shows that the reduction of PF volume in BI type B occurs in the anteroposterior direction and the most affected individuals were hyperbrachycephalic phenotype common in the Northeast.