Remote teaching; Argumentative writing; Digital Information and Communication Technologies.
Discussions regarding the importance of Digital Information and Communication Technologies—in the Brazilian educational scenery - have long transpired, as have debates on the writing competence of Basic Education students. Taking into account the need for reading and composition writing—especially argumentative ones - during the latter years of Basic Schooling, in addition to the new teaching format imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we undertook this research directed by three guiding questions, those being: i) which pedagogical strategies can help on the remote teaching of argumentative writing?; ii) how can Digital Information and Communication Technologies (DICT) be used to assist in teaching, considering the remote context?; And iii) how to systematize teaching strategies in a pedagogical notebook so as to help different teachers reflect and structure teaching methods for argumentative writing, considering the use of DICT in remote teaching? In order to answer the mentioned questions, we determined as the general research goal indicating strategies for argumentative writing productions with middle school students using Digital Information and Communication Technologies in a remote teaching context; and as specific goals: a) present a general outlook regarding the transformations that occurred in the educational scenery during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil; b) specify some of the tools used in the remote teaching context that would be useful for teaching composition writing; c) propose the work with argumentative writing based on strategies adaptable to a remote teaching context; d) plan pedagogical strategies for teaching argumentative writing and transform those strategies in a pedagogical notebook which would be able to assist faculty in this area of research, work, or both. As a theoretical framework, we enumerate Geraldi (2013), Koch (2016), and Marcuschi (2008) to discourse on what a text is, its individualities, and conceptions; Koch, Elias (2011) and Cabral (2011, 2013) to address argumentation and argumentative writing; Palomanes (2019) to present some of the strategies that can be used as the foundation for teaching composition writing; Martins (2020) to depict the remote teaching context imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic; and Bacich and Moran (2018) to reflect on the importance of using digital technologies as tools in education. Through the systematized interventive proposal, we intend to develop a pedagogical notebook for Portuguese teachers, aiming at providing critical elements to their instruction concerning teaching argumentative writing during the fundamental levels of schooling, converged with the use of DICT, envisioning its use within the context of remote teaching.