A Gamified Approach to Support the Software Testing Courses
Software testing, teaching approach, Gamification.
Software Testing is an essential subarea of Software Engineering, in which the responsibi-
lity is to make sure the software quality through its techniques and practices. The testing
activities are present in the entire process of software construction, from the software
specication, going by development, until the implementation. Even have been a vital
involvement in the development software process, Software Testing has its techniques un-
derused by software companies, where the negligence has a direct impact on software
quality. Some reason pointing out by literature for this fact is the testing activities are
costly, dicult and tedious. This problem is found in both industry and academy, in which
there is a correlation, where some problems are born in the academy and extend into the
industry. As a possible solution to treat this kind of problem there is the gamication,
that conceptually is the use of game design elements in environments non-game, with the
purpose of increasing engagement and motivation of people involved in that environment.
Recent studies have shown the grown adoption of gamied strategies in the Software
Testing teaching to treat motivational problems of students. Given this context, this re-
search work intends to use the gamication joined Software Testing topics to deal with
the lack of motivation of students to make specic testing activities. To achieve this ob-
jective, were carried out a search in the literature seeking gamication methodologies and
a systematic mapping study that gathered studies about the application of gamication
and games in Software Testing area. The gamication methodology chosen was the Level
Up, that describes an interactive and systematic process to concept gamied approaches
for educational environments. This methodology provides a set of stages that cover the
ideate stage, experimentation and evolution of the approach. The evaluation of the gami-
ed approach proposal was performed in the experimentation stage, where two groups of
students taking part in two activities, one non-gamied and another gamied, and were
submitted to answer a qualitative questionnaire about satisfaction and acceptation of the
gamied approach. The information collected with the questionnaire and the observati-
ons made during the experimentation will be used to adjust the approach proposed in the
evolution stage, not yet performed. The results of the evaluation shown that the gamied
approach did impact in the students, where was possible identify aspects related with
the interaction of students and some inconsistencies of the approach that will need to be
readapted or removed.