An Interactive Environment to Support the Teaching of Logi of Programming in the Technical Courses (e-learning) of Instituto Metrópole Digital / UFRN
Teaching of Programming, Distance Education, Didactic Material
The main objective of this work is to present a proposal for intervention in the didactic
material of the discipline of Programming Logic of the technical courses offered at distance
modality, from the Digital Metropolis Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande
do Norte. This intervention was proposed as a result of an mixed-exploratory research
with hundreds of students of the offered courses. For the implementation of the proposal,
a descriptive frequency analysis was performed on quantitative data about the academic
performance of 2,500 students from the first semesters of the years 2015 and 2016. Online
questionnaires were applied with more than 600 students to identify the profile of these
students. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with 37 students, with score and
age criteria to define the groups interview. Based on the data obtained and analyzed in
the research, an proposal intervention was implemented by inserting a resource in the
didactic material used in the Programming Logic discipline that course. This intervention
adds the feature that allows the student to perform programming exercises using a highlevel
programming language coupled with the automated feedback feature.