Requirements Traceability Model applied to Agile Methods Project management
Requirements Traceability, Agile Methods, Software Project, Reference Model
Agile methods have become a predominant form of development, being practiced on a large scale in the industry and object of great scientific interest in the academic community. Despite its many qualities recognized by practitioners and the academia, there are some points of weakness on what agile methods could benefit from more conservative solutions, imported from the traditional methods, for example, situations in which there is loss of collective memory due to high staff turnover, or changing the development of onshore to offshore. One of these solutions that can bring many benefits to the agile development process is the use of traceability to support project management in Agile Methods.
The aim of this work is to present a traceability reference model for agile methods project management scope and show how to apply it in a real context. To build this model a literature review was conducted, in which reference entities were required representing concepts, information needs, recognized by the scientific community as important for traceability requirements in addition to those related to Agile projects. These concepts were used in the construction of a traceability reference model whose usefulness was evaluated in the extraction of software project management information of a large corporation. It is used to identify problems such as lack of testing; inconsistencies in the instantiation of processes; deficiencies in the management of projects and; inconsistencies between the User Stories and their detailing.