teaching work; elementary school; clinic of activity; mediations; experience.
The democratization of education possesses contradictory interests that involve both, mechanisms that reproduce inequalities and forces geared towards social transformation. In this context, the precariousness of the teaching work can produce situations of alienation whichinfluence the work experiences. The present research focuses on the work of "polyvalent" elementary school teachers of Natal (RN-Brasil) municipal schools. It comprehends the clinic of activity perspective, an approach that explores the activity subjective dimension, enabling the expansion of consciousness and power over activity, revealing mediations and experiences. The objective of this study is to explore and analyse the teaching work constitutive elements and perceptions, its insertion context, as well as the articulation with the expression and constitution of experiences.The research covered: a descriptive and inferential quantitative stage, using a socio-professional questionnaire and a psychosocial work dimensions evaluating instrument; and a clinical qualitative stage, which made use of the Instruction to the Double (clinic of activity), promoting the dialogue with professional practice. Within this research, it has been identifieda high percentile of teachers who experience loneliness at work (30.2% of the sample), as well as theconnectionbetween this perception and feelings of dissatisfaction regarding available time, pedagogical planning meetings and little familiarity with School's Political Pedagogical Project. Two 1st grade municipal school teachers participated of the research clinical qualitative stage. Different features in regard to the relation with the teaching work activity were observed: an experience established in the logic of production and class control, revealing obstacles to action and feelings of solitude; and another focused on student intellectual mobilization, expressing dynamism and job satisfaction, as well as access to resources of activity enrichment. The study concludes that it is necessary to create and reinforce working collective dimension at schools aiming at the development and construction of activity references, besides political mobilization in view of better working conditions.