Father-child bond formation in the postpartum period: the construction of an attachment verification scale in parents.
Fatherhood; Bond; Attachment; Psychometry.
One of the consequences of the little attention given to the health of the man is that he does not have
spaces to talk about conflict situations, such as becoming a father. Moreover, culturally is attributed to
men to remain stable emotionally and not express their emotions. Such factors contribute to the illness
of men, and parental depression is the most current expression of the described scenario. Conducting
studies with the male audience is needed, mainly to allow the investigation of factors that promote the
formation of parent-infant bond, allowing future public health interventions in order to promote such
factors. The scientific literature has shown that this bond acts as a promoter of the healthy development
of the baby. The formation of a bond between father and baby since pregnancy, and especially in the
postpartum period allows man to have a better preparation for the exercise of parenthood. The
objective of the research is to build a postpartum paternal attachment scale. This is a multi-methods
search, and it contains methods and analysis of qualitative and quantitative research divided in 3
studies. In Study 1 were conducted integrative review about the concept of attachment and about the
assessment tools of paternal attachment postpartum. In study 2 were conducted twelve interviews with
parents of different education levels to meet their concept of attachment and the factors believed to
have contributed to the formation of this bond. The content of the interviews were treated by classical
content analysis. The explicit attachment concepts formed two categories: on the first, attachment was
defined as the need to be close to the child and care for him; on the second, attachment was defined as
the expression of affection for their children. These results suggest that parental attachment is still
bound to the responsibilities assigned to the paternal function towards material support. Study 2 gives
theoretical basis for construction of the instruments’ items and its semantic appropriateness. The study
3 analyzes the psychometric properties of the instrument, and begins with submission for evaluation of
experts to validate the construct attachment present in the instrument. The pilot application was carried
out, and then the application of the final version of the instrument with 228 parents in Maternities in
Natal / RN and others cities of the state. Factor analysis revealed items with low factor loadings, which
were excluded, leaving 31 items in the end. The instrument consists of two factors entitled
"Investments of the father towards the baby" and "Attitudes, feelings and expectations directed at the
baby." The analysis indicated that the final instrument has good internal consistency. It indicates the
need of further studies to verify the criteria validity.