Criminal Politics, Criminological knowledge and Criminal Justice: What a place for Psychology?
Juridical Psychology. Critical criminology. Penal selectivity. Criminalization of poverty. Human rights.
The criminal justice system represents, historically, a fertile field for the approximations between Psychology and Law. In this field, we can observe a series of mechanisms of social control and criminal management of the misery put into daily operation as strategy of maintenance of the capitalist mode of production and its principles. The criminal practices are imposed with the aid of different criminological discourses and, concomitantly, with the support of lateral knowledge to the Law, such as the Psychology one. In this field of tension, the processes of criminalization of poverty, penal selectivity and mass imprisonment as devices of classification, containment and extermination of those considered surplus to capitalism are flagrant. In the midst of this scenario, it was interesting to know which place has been assigned and occupied by the Psychology in the Criminal Justice. The general objective of this thesis is therefore to analyze the relationship between the Criminal Policy and the psychological discourses / practices related to criminal justice in Brazil. The methodological path followed began with a review of the literature (national and international) related to criminal policy, traditional criminological knowledge, critical criminology and legal psychology (mainly linked to the criminal sphere). As a complementary step, we accessed 84 psychological opinions present in criminal cases of a Court of Criminal Executions based in a Brazilian capital. In the course of the theoretical debate held throughout the study, fragments of the documents investigated were confronted with the postulates of the critical criminology – central theory of the thesis – with a view to exemplifying arguments and collaborating with a better understanding of the presented discussion. The work points out that the psychological practices related to the criminal field are strongly influenced by the assumptions of the Liberal and Positivist Criminologies; that the psychologist’s work mostly corroborates the current criminal policy; and that the psychological actions committed to the defense and promotion of human rights occupy a counter-hegemonic position in the criminal sphere. It concludes affirming the needs of active participation of the Psychology in the construction of a new ethical and political project of society; professional performance as resistance to social orthopedic practices; reinvention of psychological practices in this field in order to overcome the bourgeois illusions of re-socialization, rehabilitation and re-education of perpetrators.