posterior fossa tumors; cerebellar mutism; neurodevelopment; neuropsychological evaluation; nonverbal learning disorder.
Neuropsychology is a research domain which investigates the relationship between cognition, behavior and central nervous system activity both in normal or pathological conditions. Its role has been recognized as a chance to provide answers to demands on investigation and intervention in cases of brain lesions or dysfunction, among which stand out childhood cancer as an important focus of attention, due to the following reasons: 1) the incidence of childhood cancer in Brazil is about 12000 annual cases, and CNS tumors, posterior fossa and cerebellum as regions which account for the most frequent solid tumors; 2) direct involvement of tumors and its treatments on CNS structure and functioning and; 3) increasing survival rates and the need to ensure quality of life after cure. The sequelae resulting from tumor lesion and neurotoxicity of CNS-direct anti-neoplastic treatment require efforts towards the comprehension, prevention and reduction of this impact. In regions that are distant from Brazilian large urban areas, the lack of access to educational and health services, late diagnosis and consequent worsening of children’s health status, the need for more aggressive and damaging treatment regimens provide an even more worrying background. In this regard, the purpose of this research is to investigate neuropsychological, academic and behavioral functioning among survivors of childhood posterior fossa tumors in Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba Brazilian states. Three studies are intended to achieve this purpose: 1) Description of intellectual functioning among pediatric patients diagnosed with posterior fossa tumors; 2) Cerebellar mutism and language impacts in pediatric patients diagnosed with posterior fossa tumors and; 3) Neuropsychological changes in survivors of childhood posterior fossa tumor in light of the nonverbal learning disorder model. 50 children aged 6-16 years old will take part of the study and will be divided into three groups: G1) Children and adolescents diagnosed with posterior fossa pylocitic astrocytoma treated with neurosurgery only; G2) Children and adolescents diagnosed with posterior fossa medulloblastoma treated with surgical resection, systemic chemotherapy and craniospinal radiotherapy and; 3) Healthy children and adolescents with no history of neurological or psychiatric diseases, which will constitute a pairwise control group derived from the social-demographic features of the clinical groups. Participants will be submitted to neurosychological evaluation composed by instruments able to investigate cognitive, affective and behavioral domains and descriptive and inferential tools will be used as statistical data analysis strategies. This study is expected to provide a better comprehension about the nature and extension of posterior fossa tumors diagnosis and treatment impact on survivors’ cognitive and social-affective development, which could serve to health and educational professionals and relatives that assist them. Thus, it is expected that this study can offer results that support the development of effective and less CNS-damaging as well as the proposition of intervention programs able to minimize its adverse effects, ensuring to children the full expression of their development potential.