Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 28/11/2016
HORA: 15:00
LOCAL: Lab. Psicologia

“Sertão is a world”- a phenomenological approach to Brazilian semiarid population ways of being-in-the-world. 


Northest semiarid, water, narrations, Heidegger, phenomenological rechearch.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

Brazilian semiarid (Sertão) is know for low and irregular rainfall, high rates of water evaporation, hot climate and a caatinga biosphere reserve taking 86% of the Northeast area of the country. The perspective on what is called Sertão found in literature, the media and the movies reinforces the characteristics of a dry earth and scarcity. However, there are studies arguably showing the cultural diversity, religiosity and creativity of the Sertão. The present research focuses on understanding the experience of man and women of the Sertão (sertanejos) considering the irregularity of water resources. This is a qualitative research theoretically driven by a phenomenologic-existencial aprroach, specially supported by heideggerian hermeneutics. The human being (Dasein) is understood as the only to put his own being into matter and is always being-in-the-word. The location for the present research was the grange Galinhas, in the city of Icó, state of Ceará, Brazil. The choice was given by concenience and the data recollection was performed during two field trips, besides regular notes and interviews. The present text brings 4 of those interviews performed with 3 men and 2 women. They structure the analytical chapters. The recordings of the interviews were transcribed and contrasted with the observations and affectation of the researcher herself, reported in a field diary to be considered under the light of a heideggerian hermeneutic and thus resulted in a comprehensible narrative. The interpretation of the interviews worked as a guideline and the interview with the founder of the grange Galinhas was then added along the narrative. Considering the speech brought by the interviwees, it was possible to identify that the lives of those man and women of the Sertão are marked by drought. Some of them started saving water from the experience of its lack and based on anxiety, forcing new possibilities of establishing a relationship with water. Public policies for the semiarid have changed during the past years and they reveal the spirit of our time, the “Technological age”. Older people of the Sertão inhabit their homeland in the mode of proximity and familiarity, while younger people refer to estrangement. Religiosity emerged as a meaningfull perspective for the people, floding the word.


Externo à Instituição - ANA MARIA MONTE COELHO FROTA - UFC
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Notícia cadastrada em: 01/11/2016 08:05
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