Employees or unaffiliated? A study on the young agente project graduates and the job market
Young Agent. Vulnerable Young Teenagers. Professional Qualification. Job Market.
The study deals with the policy of professional qualification, the Young Agent Project, for youth in situations of vulnerability, state of poverty, social risk and the labor market. The problem that guide the investigation is this: the professional qualification, proposed by the Young Agent, offered young adolescents the skills and skills necessary to insert them in the labor market? It is hypothesized that the professional qualification courses offered by the Young Agent to the beneficiaries of the project, when characterized by the simplification of knowledge, did not consign them to the formal labor market. The objective of the research is to analyze the connection between the training acquired through the Young Agent project and the insertion of graduates in the formal labor market in the city of Riachuelo - RN, in the period between 2000 and 2005. The investigation is classified as a case study and is based on primary data, derived from semi-structured interviews with the graduates of the Project, which are young adolescents aged between 15 and 17 years, as well as secondary information extracted from the archive of the records and the Guidance guide for managers, in addition to a theoretical reference concerning the theme of the study.