Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/04/2018
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Anfiteatro A - CCET

Study on urban heat island and its influence on rainfall variability in brazilian state capitals.


Urban climate; TRMM; Urban rainfall; MODIS.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
ÁREA: Geociências
SUBÁREA: Meteorologia
ESPECIALIDADE: Sensoriamento Remoto da Atmosfera

Cities occupy less than 1% of the total area of the planet, but it is estimated that 50% of the world's current population is in urban areas and that this proportion will increase to 70% in 20 years, causing transformations in the use of natural resources within the urban environment . Several studies show that the urbanization process causes changes in the natural environment, modifying the atmospheric balance, leading to changes in the climate of the urban environment and changing different variables such as wind speed, rainfall regime, and anomalies in temperatures causing the phenomenon of the island of urban heat. The use of remote sensing data has been a great ally in urban climate research, for its ability to obtain surface temperature data, among other variables, with a regular spatial distribution, allowing an analysis of its interaction with other variables related to the conditions of the surface. The objective of this study is to evaluate the formation of surface heat islands and the influence on the pluviometric characteristics of Brazilian state capitals. All capitals classified as large urban agglomerations will be studied, totaling 21 large cities, three in the central west region, three in the south, four in the southeast, two in the north and nine in the northeast. The aim of this study is to analyze the formation of a heat island of urban diurnal and nocturnal, during the dry period of each city, between the years 2000 to 2016. Those that are identified with the highest heat island intensities, is intended to verify the existence of differentials in the occurrence and the intensity of precipitation, comparing the urban areas with the non-urban ones. For the development of the research will be used remote sensing data from the MODIS and radar sensor of the satellite Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). For each of the cities studied, the months of the year with the lowest volume of rainfall, called the dry period, will be determined from the field rainfall data. Using the MODIS MCD12Q1 product, which provides the land use classification, the urban areas of each capital will be delimited, and the MODIS MOD11A2 product, which provides the surface temperature, will determine the heat islands, day and night, to the dry months in different cities. To evaluate the differentials in rainfall, regarding urban and non-urban land use, data from product 2A25, which provides the hourly rainfall rate, from TRMM satellite will be used. As the first results, the dry period of the different capitals was delimited and the average annual surface temperatures were obtained, for the urban area and border area. With temperature values obtained, the average heat island of the dry period was calculated for each of the capitals considered in the study, in which the cities of the Northeast region presented values of island heat of 2 ° C, while for cities of the central-west region, presented maximum heat island value at 1.5 ° C. By means of a clustering analysis, five different clusters were identified based on the value of heat island during the study period, being a group formed by the cities of Manaus, isolated, that presented values of island heat up to 3 ° C, another with Belém, Recife and Porto Alegre, which presented an island of heat, between 2.5 and 3 ° C difference, being these the capitals that presented the highest intensities of heat island in all Brazil, while cities like São Luis , for the studied period presented a value lower than 0.5 ° C.

Presidente - 1164414 - WEBER ANDRADE GONCALVES
Interno - 1858120 - DAVID MENDES
Notícia cadastrada em: 23/04/2018 08:33
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