Water resources, mining, metals, environmental perception
Contamination of water resources from anthropogenic actions, such as mining, is a source of public health concern, mainly due to the complex mixtures present in effluents that are released into surface water intended for human consumption. One of the main impacts caused by the mining activity is the contribution of heavy metals in the soil. As a result, there is a suppression of vegetation and a change in the quality of the water by the presence of substances carried in the effluents of the mining areas. Mining and mineral processing activities can also contribute to surface and groundwater pollution if there is no strict control of the operations involved. Additionally, erosion and silting processes occurring in mines and quarries may contribute to the increase in the concentration of heavy metals in water bodies. In this scenario, the present study aimed to evaluate the genetic toxicity induced by tailings from a Mine located in the Potiguar Semi - arid, associated to the study of environmental perception with elementary school students. For the analyzes of the physical, chemical and toxicological parameters, water samples were collected in the area of the Brejui Mine, in the city of Currais Novos, and at the Fazenda Bento Nunes, in the city of Santa Cruz, both in Rio Grande do Norte. The results of these analyzes are in progress. To address the environmental problem, questionnaires were applied to two schools in the public school system. The Isabel Oscarlina Marques State School is located in the study area and the Judith Bezerra De Melo State School is located in the western region of the municipality of Natal. The results related to the study of environmental perception revealed that students are aware of the local environmental problems and that there is affection and zeal for the environment in which they are inserted, but they have not shown a perception that they are part of this problem. However, in the city of Santa Cruz, it was observed that students are more sensitive to environmental issues. This can probably be justified by the majority of children residing in the countryside. The data set points to the need of environmental education in schools, mainly due to the difficulty of perceiving them as being part of the environmental problem. In this sense, young people constitute the most promising target audience in the process of Environmental Perception, because their environmental awareness can be internalized in a more successful way than in adults already formed and with rooted behaviors. In addition to representing future generations, they are also effective multipliers in stimulating the critical analysis of environmental and social issues in the community.