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DATE: 27/03/2023
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Google Meet |

Construction and Validation of an educational module based on Nursing Systems for the training of expert patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.


Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis; self-care; Nursing; Educational technology

PAGES: 122
BIG AREA: Ciências da Saúde
AREA: Enfermagem

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is the most common form of motor neuron disease, characterized as a neurodegenerative and progressive disease associated with the loss of upper and lower motor neurons. Despite being recognized and initially characterized by changes in the motor system, ALS is defined as a multisystem disorder in which the motor system is entirely and most drastically affected. It should be noted that among all the implications of the disease, it leads to changes in the quality of life of the affected patient, as well as their caregivers and family members, because due to the progressive loss of muscle strength, the patient also loses the ability to perform activities of daily living. daily activities such as self-care, such as talking, eating or walking. And these patients need practical, social, informative, psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual support. Currently, the offer of courses structured by technologies in virtual environments has expanded significantly on the national scene, especially at higher and continuing education levels for professionals. Indeed, the possibility of reaching a large number of individuals, scalability, can favor this growth. Therefore, introducing technological innovations in the teaching process establishes the existence and necessity of educational environments. Therefore, in the educational materials that cover ICT, the Virtual Learning Objects (OVA) and the Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) are highlighted, which are extensively pointed out as potential support instruments in supporting the teaching/learning process. . Through this, the proposal of health education presents itself as a transforming vehicle of practices and behaviors, with the aim of developing autonomy for the user in addition to improving their quality of life. The present study aims to build and validate the content of an educational module based on the Nursing Systems Theory to train trainers for the development of expert patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. This is a methodological study and for the construction and validation of the content of the educational module, the research will be systematized according to the Psychometrics framework of Pasquali (1999) composed of three specific steps, carried out through theoretical, empirical or experimental and analytical procedures. or statistical, these steps will be adapted for the construction of the educational module. During the theoretical procedure, the present study will develop the items that will be part of the content of the educational module, soon after the construction of the content, the empirical procedures that constitute the selection of judges for the Content Validation will begin, then the Semantic Validation by nurses representing the target population, this objective is to verify if the instrument and the items that compose it are intelligible to the population for which it is intended. And finally, in the analytical procedures, the collected data will be statistically analyzed in order to guarantee the validity and reliability of the built instrument that correspond to the statistical analyzes that verify the content validity. The collected data will be stored in the Microsoft Excel for Windows 2010 application and analyzed using the statistical program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0 for Windows. From the reference of Pasquali et al. (2010) in this study, the item that presents more than 80% agreement between the judges (rated as adequate) and a Content Validity Coefficient (CVC) > 0.8 will be considered valid.

Presidente - 1552864 - ALLYNE FORTES VITOR
Externa ao Programa - ***.002.264-** - ISABEL KAROLYNE FERNANDES COSTA - SESAP
Externo à Instituição - MÉRCIO GABRIEL DE ARAÚJO
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/03/2023 09:45
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