Accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis imparied physical mobility in patients submitted to invasive cardiovascular procedures
Nursing, Nursing diagnosis, Limitation of mobility, Thoracic surgery.
The objective of this study was to analyze the accuracy of the clinical indicators of the nursing diagnosis, physical mobility impaired in patients submitted to invasive cardiovascular procedures. This is a diagnostic accuracy study, developed in the surgical clinic of a University Hospital of Rio Grande do Norte, with a sample of 140 patients older than 18 years, in the postoperative period of invasive cardiac procedures, using an elaborate instrument according to the clinical indicators of impaired physical mobility diagnosis, based on NANDA International. The data were evaluated based on the Latent Class analysis model, identifying the prevalence of diagnosis, sensitivity and specificity values of each clinical indicator investigated and the respective 95% confidence intervals. There was a predominance of males, with a mean age of 59 years, smoking history and associated chronic comorbidities. The results indicated a prevalence of 55.45% of the impaired physical mobility diagnosis, with the clinical indicators that best predict the diagnosis, the limited ability to perform gross motor activities (99.3%, 95% CI = 95.5 - 100.0 ), difficulty in turning (92.1%, 95% CI = 85.2 - 95.3), limited range of motion (79.3%, 95% CI = 71.4 - 85.5), discomfort and changes and gait (71.4%, 95% CI = 63.1-78.6). Spastic movements (OR: 0.07) and engaging in stroke replacement (OR = 0.09) were the clinical predictors that least predicted the diagnosis. It was verified that individuals submitted to large cardiac surgeries have 100 times (OR = 0.01) more chances of having impaired physical mobility. The evidence generated by this study contributed to the knowledge of the impaired physical mobility diagnosis among cardiac patients in the postoperative period of invasive cardiologic procedures, thus, it helps to strengthen Nursing as a science, generating subsidies for validation research of nursing diagnoses and greater reliability in the clinical evaluations of the nurse, fundamental factors for the nursing in its diverse contexts, including in the consolidation and recognition of advanced practice nursing.