Popular dances from Cabedelo (PB): an inventory from the point of view of the masters.
Popular dances. Traditional dances. Cabedelo folklore.
Since the earliest times in human history, there have been signs that humans danced. Furthermore, dance is considered an artistic manifestation with a significant presence in popular culture, representing a privileged vehicle for the expression of feelings and social communication. General objective: To catalog the traditional dances of Cabedelo/PB, based on the narratives of popular masters and bibliographic and documentary records. Cabedelo is a port city in Paraíba, with people possessing diverse skills for artistic creation and active cultural leaders. Despite financial difficulties and lack of opportunities for groups to perform within or outside the Cabedelo community, some manage to maintain their groups. Examples include the male and female Nau Catarineta, Lapinha, Bumba Meu Boi, Quadrilhas Juninas, Renascer's Xaxado group, Tambores do Forte, and the Coco de Roda of Mestre Benedito. Methodology: The research was conducted through direct contact with the masters in their respective areas of activity and involvement with popular dance in the city of Cabedelo (PB), a city rich in cultural manifestations. This investigative process has been carried out with visits and face-to-face interviews, allowing for a deep understanding of local practices and traditions. Using the collected data, a catalog of the popular dances in the city of Cabedelo will be created, detailing their popular manifestation, the neighborhood where they are based, years of activity, who their masters are, their main difficulties, and their satisfactions in cultural activities within and outside the city, as well as other points that may arise from the collected material.