Powers of the false and the becoming of the subjected peoples
Gilles Deleuze; sensible; power of the false; becoming; image of thought.
The problem of thought as such pervades Gilles Deleuze‟s philosophy: What does it means to think? How thought happens? To the philosopher, inside Philosophy history, such questions are taken as presuppositions that assure their own fundamentals. Thought appears as something natural, this is, naturally leaning to what is true and to the thinker good will. But what such presuppositions hide? What the man of true desires? Deleuze finds in the history of Philosophy a dogmatic image of thought. The man of the truth projects superior values to the life itself, from what he judges life. “if anybody wants the truth, it‟s not in name of what the world is, but in th name of what the world is not” (Deleuze, Diferença e repetição, 124). The difference is buried beneath the model of the Same, or the it-itself. The Europeanization as condition to these superior values has consequences not only ontological ones, but also political. It is the history of the capitalism in itself that hinders the subjected peoples becoming. The sensible appears as the “background” production of thought against a dogmatic and conservative image. From the sensible. Thought get close of their multiple processes of expression. The power of the falso makes see that beyond values of true and false there is a vital game of a generic production of senses. Movements of the difference told in terms of becomings and affect allow crossing the representational limits of experience – the intensities. The power of the falso is the potency of life in its own becoming, creating lines of flight before the power of truth that is always the power of the dominants and colonisators.