Body. Aesthetics. Ethics. Hedonism. Individualism. Onfray.
Pleasure is the main engine that boosts human behavior, a force of nature that drives life to its utmost affirmation. That is why it is also the greatest ethical and moral issue for a whole thinking tradition, from Democritus to contemporary neuroscientists. Michel Onfray, one of the most interesting libertarian thinkers acting in the current French intellectual scenario, claims that there is no ethics outside Hedonism, which is why his work is organized according to the long lineage of hedonistic philosophical tradition. Onfray thinks of body and pleasure as existential guides by means of conceiving human being as an entity comprised of raw passions and vital forces that need to be shaped by a philosophical and ethical project. Therefore, this study addresses this jubilant ethics from two important works of Onfray’s bibliography: L’Art de jouir: pour un matérialisme hédoniste (1991); and La Sculpture de soi: la Morale esthétique (1993). Considering such texts as theoretical horizon, this study is organized into four chapters. The first one addresses the body – a hypesthetic machine of which every philosophy is the expression. The Existential Hapax that guides this chapter was developed by Onfray in order to manage the relation between body and thought. Afterwards, the foundations of Hedonism are addressed by seeking to examine the very nature of pleasure and pain as primary affections of life. Hence, the following questions are raised: Why is pleasure a moral issue? What are its ethical implications? Is pleasure a necessary condition for happiness? Are Hedonism and Eudemonism distinct or intertwined notions? In the third chapter, the founding ethical developments of Hedonism are discussed, which are unfolded by the philosophies of Aristippus and Epicurus – two thinkers from the ancient Greece. A commented presentation of Onfray’s interpretation concerning such representatives of Hedonism is proposed in this chapter. Pleasure and Style title the fourth and last chapter of this dissertation. In fact, the Ethical Hedonism of Onfray is synonymous with aesthetics of existence. Based on Nietzsche, Onfray addresses an individualism that is not a selfish. In addition, Onfray supports an ethical relativism contrary to all castrating morals and glimpse the conception of oneself out of the raw and chaotic material of which we are made in advance. Afterwards, Onfray proposes a theory called aesthetic enjoyment in which the author contemplates the body and its five senses but emphasizing the smell, taste and touch, since these are ignoble senses devoid of intellectual status, according to the idealistic tradition to which Onfray opposes. In conclusion, the purpose of Onfray’s work is to promote a rematerialization of life as a way to counteract the contemporary nihilism – something only possible if there is a reconciliation with the body in order to affirm its hedonic power. Hence, it arises Onfray’s conception that philosophy is an art of living and not only a theory. In this ethical project that celebrates friendship as the greatest virtue, the hedonistic thinker aims to “know how to loyally enjoy oneself”.