The meaning of ethics in Marx
Historical Materialism; production mode; Ethics; Morality; Human Constitution.
The present work intends to present the meaning of ethics that appears veiled in the writings of Karl Marx. Although this author has not developed an elaborate conception of ethics and has rejected any philosophical link on this issue, Marx understands that this category is not capable of overcoming the structural contradictions of capitalist society. For this reason, that ethics is not regarded as the central object of its social theory appearing in a dispersed way throughout its works without, therefore, to develop it fully. But the absence of a treatise on ethics in Marx does not imply the absence of ethics. But when Marx proposes a radical modification of bourgeois society it becomes impossible to think that such a social transformation is not accompanied by an ethical perspective. All of his work, that is, the texts of youth and maturity, have an ethical significance, on which rests the purpose of this research - to unveil this meaning. Thus, the basic thesis of this study concentrates on the analysis of the ethics derived from the social existence itself with all its material conditioning, being inserted in a real context and in a historical-social structure. Starting from this assumption, an approach of the meaning of ethics in the theory of Marx is contemplated following two opposite planes: A critic and another derived from the class struggle. That is, the first plane is based on morality from its social and class determination, having the ideological device as an instrument capable of hiding the interests of the ruling class in producing a moral forged by the false consciousness of reality. The second plan is derived from the class struggle existing in capitalist society, which is aligned with the interests of the oppressed majority and exploited by the system, so this scope of ethics puts into perspective such values as solidarity, collectivism, freedom, respect and the courage to fight to subvert the dominant order.