Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/10/2018
HORA: 15:00
LOCAL: Auditório 01 - Nepsa II

Em construção


Human Rights Education. School culture. Everyday school.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

The present research systematizes the studies, reflections and investigations about the theme of Education in Human Rights and the culture of the school. As a guiding question, I try to understand: what are the meanings attributed by education professionals, from a school Natal Municipal School, to Human Rights Education? I assume, initially, that the ignorance of principles and guidelines of Human Rights Education blocks the construction of actions with potential for change to a culture in Human Rights at school. In view of this, the objective of this research is to understand the meanings attributed by Primary Education professionals about their actions and pedagogical practices in the school culture and its relation with Human Rights Education, as well as to identify blocks and potential changes to the construction of a culture of human rights at school. For this, I use the methodology of the comprehensive interview of Kaufmann (2013); Silva (2006), through which I define as a unit of reference the statements of five teachers who work in different functions within the school. When referring to their actions and pedagogical practices developed in the daily life of the school they demonstrate a certain difficulty in trying to establish the relation of these - actions and pedagogical practices -, with Education in Human Rights. However, in addition to the definitions contained in the official documents or brought by many authors who are knowledgeable about the subject, it is possible to see that there is an understanding about Human Rights and Human Rights Education in practice, applied to the daily life of the school and its culture. This study points to the existence of gaps in several instances of teacher training, both in the initial and in the continuing, which reveals the need for a reformulation and repositioning of curricula, including schools. It also points to the need for a more balanced articulation between the knowledge produced by the universities and the knowledge developed by teachers in their daily life, regarding the theme of Human Rights Education.

Presidente - 349752 - ROSALIA DE FATIMA E SILVA
Interno - 926826 - ADIR LUIZ FERREIRA
Interno - 1324875 - VANDINER RIBEIRO
Externo à Instituição - ADELAIDE ALVES DIAS - UFPB
Externo à Instituição - JOSE MATEUS DO NASCIMENTO - IFRN
Notícia cadastrada em: 26/10/2018 10:52
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