Echoes of romance in the prose of Brazilian booktubers
Romance; literature; epistemic device; brazilian booktubers; YouTube.
The romance, a planetary genre, the disruptive genre that radically changed the course of the history of literature,, brings us a cognitive source beyond its artistic nature. It guided by this guiding thread, the research investigates a phenomenon of reading and digital culture known as booktubers. In this "online" era contemporary, the booktuber emerges as a new social actor in a regime of production of visibility in the digital environment. The updated and influencer reader, who elaborates on camera his impressions about books on YouTube, is the one who reads, shares information and interacts with other readers. This study aims to analyze video reviews about canonical novels on three YouTube channels: Tatiana Feltrin (previously called Tiny little things), Ler antes de morrer (Isabella Lubrano), e Literature-se (Mell Ferraz). The central axis of this study aims to understand literature of the romance genre as an epistemic device - a tool of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge - and the role of these new reading professionals in digital media as one of the agents of intellectual formation. We also identified that booktubers perform an anthropotechnic par excellence - human training technique - that is, exercises that performed repeatedly retroact on the individual, as well as the performance in the videos that characterize as a new type of iconography of the novel, that is, visual representation, adornment, that reflects meanings and allegorizations, it adds and embodies something incorporeal that becomes physical or perceptible. The methodology adopted corresponds to the metapore or a almost method arising from Philosophy and Communication, it is a report of intensity and of the bodily experience of the narrative, at the dimension of the perceptions, with all its possibilities and indeterminacies.