Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 30/11/2017
HORA: 10:30
LOCAL: Sala 1 - PPGG

Morphodynamic and Hydrodynamic of the São Francisco River Mouth


São Francisco River; Bedforms; Coastal Dynamic

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
ÁREA: Geociências

The São Francisco Coastal Plain is located in the northeast portion of Brazil, between Sergipe and Alagoas States. it already was characterized as a typical wave dominated delta, nevertheless, further studies added the sea level hole in its evolution, showing that this Delta differ from the classical models. The studied area is located at the São Francisco River Mouth, it’s a very important area from economical and social viewpoint, but it has been affected by the coastal dynamic. This river has suffered an intense coastal retreat due to erosion. Such retreat resulted in the Cabeço’s Village extinction, this village is currently underwater. Many works have assigned the coastal erosions to the construction of many dams in the river throw last years. There is a lack of detailed morphologic and hydrodynamics data in the studied area, those data are important to characterize the area, allowing to understand its dynamic and allowing to make predictions to the future. In this way, that study aims the dynamic characterization of the São Francisco Mouth, taking into account bottom morphology, sediments types, current velocity, as well as discharge and precipitation data. The data were acquired in two campaigns, the first was in January of 2009 and the second was in September of 2012. It was employed a side scan sonar for bedforms characterization as well as a sub bottom profile for dunes high determination. Flow velocities were acquired throw an Acoustic Doppler Current Profile (ADCP), sediment samples were acquired from an Van Veen Grab. Discharge data were acquired from the database of the national agency of water of Brazil and precipitation data were acquired from the database of the metrological institute of Brazil. The results showed that the river have a great variety of bedforms, occurring since small ripples until big dunes with forms variating between bi-dimensional to three-dimensional. Minor changes were observed between bedforms from 2009 and 2012. Current data showed that flow velocities are stronger at ebb tide. Sediments presented in river bed are all siliciclastic sands. Few variations were observed in annual discharges between 2009 and 2012. The data showed that the river behavior was stable in the time between the two campaigns

Presidente - 2218779 - HELENICE VITAL
Interno - 2042405 - MOAB PRAXEDES GOMES
Externo à Instituição - KARL STATTEGGER - CAU
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/11/2017 09:28
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