Bodies, territories and plants - the women of the Escuelas Campesinas (Colombia)
Agroecology of Peoples, Women and agroecology, body-territory
This work aims to identify the meanings constructed in relation to the body-territory (CABNAL, 2010; GUSMÁN, 2019), feminist agroecology and the Escuelas Campesinas de Agroecologia - ECA in the central region of Colombia. The research was carried out through Action Research-Participation (IAP) (BORDA, 1987) and the articulation between the women of the ECAs, in a proposal for engaged research (TURNER, 2008). Plants appear as women's companions in the different experiences of caring for people and achieving economic autonomy, as tools for confronting capitalism. They are also central to food security and autonomy, curing illnesses and are part of the cultural and ancestral universe and the expression of a peasant identity expression of a peasant identity. As for the women of the ECAs, although some are recognized for their work in the agroecosystems, their daily reality reveals fatigue acquired in the social struggle, in domestic work and in the spaces of the agroecosystem. A certain historical invisibility of women in the construction of agroecology and the defense of territories has also been revealed, mainly because their care and political actions are disregarded.Corpos, Territórios e plantas - as mulheres das Escuelas Campesinas (Colombia)