Virtual Mathematics Laboratory; Teaching Practice; Digital Technologies; Teaching Mathematics; STEAM approach.
This research sought to answer the following guiding question: What are the characteristics of a virtualmathematics laboratory that can contribute to the teaching practice of mathematics teachers in the city of Caicó/RN? This guiding question gave rise to the general objective of this research, which is to build and evaluate a virtual mathematics laboratory, with the aim of helping mathematics teachers in the city of Caicó/RN to reorganize their pedagogical practices mediated by digital technologies, in accordance with with the demands and possibilities of contemporary education. In this sense, the Virtual Mathematics Laboratory (LAVIMAT), in addition to constituting an Educational Product, is also being considered as a concept and methodology, in whose projection it took into account important aspects of the physical and virtual laboratories studied, such as stimulating interest and participation active students, facilitate the understanding of mathematical concepts, develop logical reasoning, promote the production of mathematical knowledge, experimentation, simulation, modeling, manipulation and the argumentation process. The versatility of LAVIMAT, accessible both synchronously and asynchronously, makes it an important resource today. The intuitive interface and designed pages aim to meet different pedagogical expectations, with the purpose of providing support to teachers to facilitate the search for innovative teaching resources. In partial considerations, we emphasize the relevance of adapting to new educational methodologies, especially in the context of the insertion of digital technologies in mathematics teaching. Furthermore, we emphasize that LAVIMAT continues to evolve to significantly contribute to the development of current and future teaching practices of teachers who teach mathematics in the region.