Monitoring of collective child growth and development in a family health unit in a municipality in Rio Grande do Norte.
Descriptors: Comprehensive Health Care. Growth and Development. Primary Health Care.
In Brazil, the universal right to health was constitutionally guaranteed in 1988, with the creation of the Unified Health System. Several efforts have been made to achieve a significant improvement in child health indicators, such as the Child Health Assistance Program. However, despite the advances and investment in public policies aimed at this population and the significant reduction in infant mortality rates, other problems have been gaining ground in this scenario, such as the prevalence of childhood obesity, preventable deaths from external causes such as accidents and violence, as well as problems related to poor living conditions, making it essential to reorganize health actions for this audience, based on the integrality of care. The aim is to build a plan to implement the monitoring of collective growth and development under the interdisciplinary perspective in a Family Health Strategy. This is a descriptive study, with a qualitative approach, developed through participatory action research, in the light of Thiollent's proposal. The study was developed with the professionals of the Family Health Strategy 01, involved in the children's care, working in the Family Health Unit Maria Fausta de Medeiros Dantas, located in the city of São José do Seridó/RN, totaling 13 subjects. The construction of the implementation plan was carried out collectively from the conversations in four seminars. The data was collected during the conversations through audio recording of the speeches of the participating professionals, which were later transcribed in full, and then the document was transferred to the ATLAS.ti® web software to assist in the analysis process. From the findings based on the interview transcriptions, four categories of analysis emerged: (a)What we think, which brings the understanding of the research subjects about the collective monitoring of child growth and development; (b) How we do and what we want, addressing the daily doing of the professionals involved in the research, how they intend to make the operationalization of the meetings of collective monitoring of children, as well as the construction of the themes that will be addressed in these meetings; c) Potentialities of the collective follow up of children's growth and development, portraying the positive aspects of the implementation of this type of follow up pointed out by the research participants and d) Difficulties for the implementation of the collective follow up of growth and development, which deals with the challenges for this follow up model to be implemented. In general, the narratives point to the importance of carrying out collective activities, as well as to the team's desire to develop work with groups. On the other hand, it is evident the professionals' lack of knowledge about important issues such as integrality, teamwork, as well as about the monitoring of child growth itself, besides a fragmented and excessively specialized care, pointing to the need for investment in permanent education. As a technical product, an action plan was developed for the implementation of collective growth and development monitoring for children from 0 to 6 months of age, an informative folder for parents, and a planning tool used to organize the actions that will take place in each meeting with the children. From the reflections and contributions arising from this study, it is expected to contribute positively to the implementation of comprehensive health care for children and their families. Regarding the professionals involved, it is expected to expand the teaching-learning process, under the optic of collaborative interprofessional work, breaking with the fragmentation and excessive specificity of knowledge and the promotion of an integral care to the child's health and thus ensuring an adequate growth and development for this age group.