Construction and validation of graphic protocol for safe care in vaccination in children.
Keywords: Patient Safety. Immunization. Vaccination. Clinical Protocols. Child. Adverse Events.
The history of vaccines spans more than three centuries, the scholar Edward Jenner was responsible for the first vaccine in history, the antiviral. By expanding and maintaining vaccination coverage, it has generated an increase in the incidence rates of adverse events after vaccination . Post-vaccination adverse events are unwanted or unintended clinical episodes that occur after vaccination, without necessarily having a causal relationship with the use of immunobiologicals. This study focuses on reducing AEFI through the standardization of activities in child vaccination, thus, it aims to build a tool with a standard to improve and standardize care, favoring the use of scientifically supported practices, minimizing the variability of information and conduct among members of the health team. In this perspective, this study is the following guiding question: What elements are considered to build and validate the content and appearance of a graphic protocol for safe care in vaccination for children. And it aims to build and validate a graphic protocol for safe child vaccination care. It is a methodological study of construction and content validation with a quantitative approach, which will be conducted by Pasquali's psychometric framework, organized in three stages, namely: theoretical procedures, in which a scope review will be carried out in order to identify and map content associated with the investigated theme that will serve as a basis for building the content of the protocol; empirical procedures, which arise through the construction of the protocol, which will be elaborated using the Bizagi Modeler software, for content and appearance validation via Google Forms and the Delphi steps with judges specialized in the area to obtain consensus; and, analytical procedures in which the analysis of the data from the previous phase will be carried out using the content validation coefficient (CVC). Items with a minimum agreement of 80% between judges will be considered valid. A research will contemplate the ethical precepts in research with human beings’ self-resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council and is also in accordance with the guidelines for procedures in research with any stage in a virtual environment, qualified to protection, safety and the rights of patients. research participants. The project will be submitted to the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.